
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Im smitten with paper. There it is. It’s a weird little addiction to be sure, but I'll own it loud and proud just the same. Everyone who knows me, knows 'thank-you' notes are near and dear to my heart. I have a real fear that, as people write more and more emails and fewer and fewer letters and notes, the distinct possibility exists of whole chunks of family histories evaporating! Scary thought huh? What would we know about our ancestors if it weren't for margin writings in Bibles?

What about penmanship? Remember when we were actually graded on penmanship in school? Talk about a lost art. And spelling, too! Mercy goodness, where would we be without spellcheck? I think positively everyone ought to play Words With Friends if for no other reason than to keep in touch with their spelling ability (or lack thereof). How stupid would we all sound if we didn't have computers and spoke in wanky abbreviations?

Why, I remember as a kid how thrilling it was to receive a letter from my grandmother or Aunt Kat. Grandmother had the most elegant handwriting. It was so easy to read. Poor Aunt Kat; she should have been a doctor with that chicken scratch. Sister and I would often times read and re-read a letter or postcard finally handing it to Mama who had years more experience reading her seizured script. It always looked as if she had written it while riding full tilt in a jeep chasing wildebeests through the Serengeti! But how we loved receiving them.

When you see a handwritten letter or card in the mailbox, doesn't it give you a warm feeling all over just knowing someone thought enough of you to sit down and hand write even a few words? Talk about spreading a little adoration around. I believe thats what I miss most; that and civility. We dont seem to make time anymore for the old basics like letters and thank-you notes. 

If you want to make a fabulous lasting impression, writing a personal note is one sure fire way to do it!  

1 comment:

  1. You are an awesome lady, Karen. I love reading your musings. ;)


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Perky and always in a good mood much to the dismay of family members.

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