New Sights to see!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
I have a question. Why does it take a visit from Tennessee cousins to discover fun places here in my very own neck of the woods? Heck, some aren't even new, they have just fallen by the wayside in my brain. And I guess since we have moved north, we just dont go down to Dallas as often. Teri and Ali usually come by themselves and we love seeing them every time! They think nothing of scooting to Dallas from Franklin for a weekend.

The fun starts as soon as the cousins get into town; when they head to Mariano's for Margaritas and Mexican food. These are the Margarita girls! A lunch stop at Campisi's for pizza is on the list, too! Ozona's (the old Cardinal Puff's) beer garden and a fairly new place called The Lot (where the old White Rock Yacht Club used to be and few other places are on the 'must see' list. I met them at Campisi's and Reagan and Melissa went to Ozona's. They have to get in a lot of visiting in a short weekend visit! Betty and Teri hang right with them.

With all these foodie stops you might wonder what these girls look like. Well, let me tell you, these girls are in terrific shape! They actually came to Dallas for the Color Run! I think the reason they run is so they can eat and drink what they like! They have it all figured out. There is a way to keep your sassy figure and eat and drink, too!

I got to meet 2 new family members; Patrice and Foxy Jenny. Patrice married my cousin Teri's son, Zack about a year and a half ago. She is darling and I understand why Teri is so crazy about her. When referring to Zack and Patrice, it is shortened to "Zap". Foxy Jenny is married to Teri's stepson. She has the biggest brown eyes I have ever seen! All of these girls are super cute, sweet as can be, fun and seem to be best friends. Reagan and Melissa fell under their spell and now want to go to Tennessee!


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Perky and always in a good mood much to the dismay of family members.

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